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Curtis Snow, City Manager - csnow@mycvc.net

Jo Ann Talbot, ACM/City Secretary kaufmancitysec@mycvc.net

Leslie Malone , Admin. Asst. - kaufmantx@mycvc.net


This division is responsible for the management of City operations and serves as the liaison between the policy making and administrative branches of municipal government. The division provides support to the City Council, Planning & Zoning Commission, Kaufman Economic Development Corporation, KKBB, and Chamber of Commerce. Additional responsibilities include maintaining effective intergovernmental relations, ensuring compliance with all local ordinances, State and Federal regulations, and developing strategic plans to maintain continuity in operations and delivery of services.


· Ensure the delivery of quality services to citizens through effective management and efficient administration.

· Maintain fiscal accountability in all financial transactions, management of treasury operations, and regulatory compliance with the investment of public funds.

· Provide assistance and sustain the goal of greater economic growth through the efforts of the KEDC, Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Task Force.

· Assist the City Council in establishing and implementation of a long-range strategic plan for the future development of the community.

· Respond to citizen requests for assistance in a timely manner and consider methods to increase overall community awareness.


· Continue to support the development of the SH 34 realignment in association with the Kaufman County Leadership Council, TxDot and affected local organizations.

· Continue implementation of the comprehensive plan elements.

· Revise the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to meet long-term infrastructure needs.

· Adopt and implement an Impact Fee policy for future development.

· Coordinate the development of the master plan for the renovation and expansion of City Hall.

· Coordinate efforts with developers to establish new residential and commercial projects within the city.